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When reading Java code, there are a few types of syntax elements you will run across.


A statement can invoke an action, declare a variable, or do other nifty things you’re soon to learn about. It always ends in a semicolon.

int i = 1;
lukesCar.detachMuffler(); // still salty about that

“Wait, what’s that? The double slash followed by your words?” - you, probably


Whenever you feel like including blurbs in your code, just add // and everything after it on that line is not executed! If a comment is rather long and lasting a few lines, you can surround it with /* and */, called a block comment.

// the next line declares an integer i and sets it to 1
int i = 1; // maybe we should set it to 2 instead? 
// too late, now i is 1
// bet
i = 2;
 I have some concerns with the above code:
 over use of comments
 unused variable i


Blocks of some form or other, varying from control structures to class definitions, group sets of statements for semantic and functional purposes with curly braces, { and }.